Center for Higher Studies in Sports

The CESD (Center for Higher Studies in Sports) is created with the purpose of developing professionals for the sports industry, through specialized academic programs in all different areas related to this industry.

In today’s world, the sports industry is much more than just physical activity, having become an entertainment option capable of generating and handling economic, material, human and technological resources, as well as impacting millions of people worldwide.

Due to this fast and sustained development, the sports industry requires specialized professionals in each and every one of its different areas: management, marketing, communication, law, finance, operations, managerial skills, among others.

Courses offered by the CESD answer to this urgent need of professionalizing all the organizational structures of sports Organizationales, with innovating, specialized programs, delivered by professors with ample professional and teaching experience in the world of business and sports.

The academic development of these courses is adapted to the sports industry’s own characteristics. They are designed ad-hoc, and answer to the sport business’ specific needs, in terms of: areas of knowledge and interests, objectives, subjects, syllabus, location, duration, temporality, schedules and students’ profile.

The mission of the CESD is to form professionals specialized who can contribute to the professionalization of the sports industry in Mexico and worldwide.

The vision of the CESD is to become the model, most renowned educational institution specialized in sports and sports business.